Sat Sep 17 "Restless Leg Syndrome"

Workout of the day

1) Back Squats: 3-4 Sets x 3-4 Reps @ 75-80% with 5-6s Eccentric


3-4 Rounds:
25 Abmat Sit-ups
500/400m Row
100’ Walking Lunges
Rest 2 Minutes

2) “Restless Leg Syndrome”

4 Rounds For Time:
25 Toes-To-Bar
500/400m Row
100’ DB Front Rack Lunges @ 50/35
Rest 2 Minutes


1) Build in load, decrease in reps and sets as needed to maintain positions

2) High intensity with some rest. Complete TTB in 3-4 sets, moderate pace row, unbroken on the lunges

Jason TrinhComment