Sat Sept. 7 "Ralph"


1) AMRAP 15

3 Clean and Jerks
3 Pull Ups
3 Knee Raises
400m Bike


1) Bench Press: 7 Sets
5 @ 80%
4 @ 82%
3 @ 85%
2 @ 88%
3 x 1 Building 88%+ (1 REP MAX!!!)

2) Winner’s Workout

1 Clean & Jerk @ 80%
2 Rope Climbs
3 Deadlifts
400m Bike


1) This is a chance to test your 1 rep max! Build up through the sets, focusing on staying tight with elbows and lats tucked close. Make sure to have a spotter as you near your higher percentages.

2) This workout is dedicated to Heather’s 60 Days of CrossFit group who had the most attendance! This is a chance to use a heavy barbell that requires some set up in order to make the clean and jerk. The deadlift will be performed at the same weight as your clean and jerk. Use the bike as a break to shake out the legs between heavy sets.

Extra Credit

Tire Flip Practice

Jason TrinhComment