Thu Dec 21 "Walkathon"


1) Bench Press: Build to a moderate weight and do a set of 4 every 90s for 10 rounds

2) Alternating EMOM x 30 Mins:

  • Skip (or DU Practice)

  • Row

  • Sit-ups

  • Reverse Lunges

  • Rest


1) 4 Bench Press @ 73%
Every 1:30 x 10 Rounds

2) “Walkathon”

6 Rounds (30 Min Cap):
50 Double-Unders
400m Run (or 500/450m Row)
30 Abmat Sit-ups
20 Double DB Reverse Lunges @ 50/35


1) Build to a weight that is sustainable for all 10 rounds (up to a maximum of 73%) or make adjustments as you progress through the rounds if it is not sustainable. Practice sound technique early so you are able to maintain the volume as the rest is

Jason TrinhComment