Thu May 11 "Queen Kong" (Bring-A-Friend-Day)

Today’s workout is to wish Coach Heather a happy birthday from her friend Alexander! Heather loves a heavy barbell and complex gymnastics and so we are doing a version of “King Kong” to celebrate. Enjoy this “quick” workout and be sure to wish Heather the happiest of days when you see her!


“Friendly Queen Kong”

5 Rounds:

9 Dumbbell Deadlifts
7 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Front Squats
3 Dumbbell Push Presses

Workout of the day

“Queen Kong”

3 Rounds:

1 Deadlift @ 365/275
2 Bar Muscle-ups
3 Squat Cleans @ 275/185
4 Handstand Push-ups


Aim for a heavy deadlift and clean (around 85%) and select gymnastics movements that are very challenging for a low volume of reps. This will likely be a slow workout so take your time and socialize :)

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