Thur Feb. 6 "Magic 8 Ball"


1) AMRAP 30

20 Cal Bike
10 Sit Ups
200m Row
10 Leg Lowers
1 Gym Lap Farmer Carry
10 Plank Taps
Rest 1 Minute


1) Magic 8 Ball

For Time (35 Min. Time Cap)
100/80 Cal Bike
80 Sit Ups
1000/900m Row
40 GHD Sit Ups
400m Double Dumbbell Farmer Carry (50/35)
20 Medball GHD Sit Ups (20/14)


1) This is a chipper style workout with an increase in movement challenge and decrease in weight. Cap the bike at 10:00, and the row at 5:00. Be cautious when attacking all these GHD sit ups if you have not been training this volume. Reduce the reps or swap to medball sit ups instead. Farmer carry will be long, especially since we can’t go outside, but you will complete 25 lengths of the gym (50ft).

Jason TrinhComment