Thur Jan. 30 "Toss Up"


1) 4 Rounds x AMRAP 4:
10 Cal Bike
6 Push Press
6 Box Step Ups

Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds


1) 4 Rounds x AMRAP 4:
Buy In: 400m Run or 25/20 Cal Bike

Max Rounds:
12 Push Press (135/95)
21 Box Jumps (24”/20”)

Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds
Pick Up Where You Left Off


1) Each 4 minute AMRAP has a buy in run or bike that will take roughly 2:15, then you will work through your push press and box jumps. Push press weight should be completed within 2 sets. Box jumps will be slow and steady, ensuring you lock out and stand fully up on the top of the box. Every time after your large rest, you will pick up where you left off of . Aim to get roughly 4-7 rounds in total.

Jason TrinhComment