Thur Nov. 7 "Eurotrip"


1) AMRAP 30

20 Cal Row
30 Single Unders
5 Jumping Pull Ups
12 Sit Ups or Knee Raises
*Rest 1 Minute


1) Eurotrip

For Time (35 Minute Cap)
4 Rounds “Work” + 80/64 Cal Row
3 Rounds “Work” + 60/48 Cal Row
2 Rounds “Work” + 40/32 Cal Row
1 Round “Work” + 20/16 Cal Row

30 Double Unders
5 Strict Pull Ups
15 Abmat Situps


1) Today, one round of work is 30 DU, 5 Strict PU, and 15 Situps. Each will be completed for the prescribed rounds before moving onto the rower each time. One round of work should take roughly 2:00 minutes. Scale the Double Under to alternating reps or 30 seconds of practice. Row times will be roughly 6:30/5:00/3:30/1:30. Aim to use this workout to move through it at a recovery pace.

Jason TrinhComment