Tue Dec. 10 "Damn Daniel"


1) Back Squat: Building

2) 23 Min AMRAP
10 Ring Rows
5 Cal Bike
5 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Cal Bike
5 Double Dumbbell Thrusters
10 Ring Rows
1 Minute Rest


1) Back Squats: 3-2-1-3-2-1-3-2-1
@ 70-76-82-73-79-85-76-82-88%

2) Damn Daniel
For Time (23 Min. Time Cap)
50 Pull Ups
12/10 Cal Bike
32 Double DB Thrusters (35/25)
25/20 Cal Bike
32 Double DB Thrusters (35/25)
12/10 Cal Bike
50 Pull Ups


1) We are working through 3 waves of back squats today. If you do not have a percentage to follow, build on Move side or start at a moderate load and increase twice, then decrease slightly when you start the next wave. Focus on hitting depth and keeping the weight shifted to your heels.

2) This workout involves a movement we don’t do often, double dumbbell thrusters. Choose a weight that you can complete each set of 32 in roughly 3 minutes. Break them up early to maintain 4 sets or less, but push yourself with this lighter weight to hang on. Pull ups can be completed any way you life, but break these up early to avoid failure in the second set. Aim to recover on the bike.

Extra Credit

3 Sets For Quality
1:00 Legless Rope Climbs (15’)
Rest 2 Min Between Sets

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