Tue Dec. 17 "Upbeat"


1) 30 Min AMRAP
400m Row
30 Skips
20 Cal Bike
Rest 2 Minutes


1) Upbeat

For Time (30 Min. Cap)
1000/900m Row
150 Double Unders
100/80 Cal Bike
150 Double Unders
1000/900m Row


1) Yes, I know this looks awful. You are all amazing, capable human beings so get to work. Each row should take roughly 5:00, with each double under set taking roughly 3-5 minutes. The bike will be the longest of them all and should be capped at 10 minutes. This is a tough cardio piece. Enjoy.

Extra Credit

3 Supersets:

20 Medball GHS Situps 14/10
20 V-Ups
Rest 2 Minutes

Jason TrinhComment