Tue Dec 19 "Playback"


1) Strict Banded Pull-ups
5 Sets of 4

2) 5 Minute AMRAP, 5 Min Rest, 3 Rounds:

6 Dumbbell Snatches
6 Ring Rows (Or Jumping Pull-ups)
6 Cal Echo Bike

*carry on where you left off in the previous round


1) Strict Weighted Pull-ups:
5 Sets of 4, Building (for total load)

2) “Playback”

5 Minute AMRAP, 5 Min Rest:
3 Rounds:
14 Dumbbell Snatches @ 50/35
14 Pull-ups
In Time Remaining: Max Cals Echo Bike

2 Rounds:
14 Dumbbell Snatches @ 50/35
14 Pull-ups
In Time Remaining: Max Cals Echo Bike

1 Round:
14 Dumbbell Snatches @ 50/35
14 Pull-ups
In Time Remaining: Max Cals Echo Bike


1) Looking to start heavy and finish heavier and record the highest total weight possible (or the least amount of bands possible). Take long breaks to recover and make sure you are maintaining shoulder positions and range of motion

2) Workout flow: complete 3 rounds of snatches and pull-ups, bike for remainder of 5 minutes, rest 5 minutes. Repeat but decrease to 2 rounds of snatches and pull-ups and to 1 round of snatches and pull-ups for rounds 2 and 3

Jason TrinhComment