Tue Dec. 31 " Pet Peeve"
1) Bench Press 5 x 5 @ technical load
2) 4 Rounds (18 Min. Time Cap)
12 Cal Bike
6 DB Alternating Power Snatches
6 Single DB Box Step Ups
1 Minute Rest
1) Bench Press: 3 x 1 @ 89%
2) Pet Peeve
4 Rounds For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
25/20 Cal Bike
8 Power Snatches (135/95)
8 Double Dumbbell Box Step Ups (20”) (50/35)
1) These are heavy singles performed at 89%. Focus on a good set up and push through your feet. Grab a spotter if needed. Build up over the following rep scheme: 5-4-3-2-1-1-1.
2) Aim for a steady pace throughout this full piece. The bike will take roughly 2:15, followed by grabbing the barbell right away. Cycling quick singles for this weight will be the most effective option. This should take no longer than 1:30. Alternate legs each box step up, carrying the dumbbells beside you in a farmer carry. Choose a dumbbell weight that allows you to complete your reps in roughly 1:00. Make sure to lock out hips at the top of each rep and step down on the same side.
Extra Credit
For Quality
Set 1: Max Set Strict Pull Ups
Set 2: Max Set Strict Chin Ups
Set 3: Max Set Banded Strict Pull Ups
Set 4: Max Set Banded Strict Chin Ups