Tue Dec 6 "Donny"

Workout of the day

1) Deadlifts: Build to 83% of 1RM then do 5 x 1 at that weight, resting 2-3 minutes between


12 Minute AMRAP:
2-4-6-8-10-12-14… of:
Light Deadlifts

2) “Donny”

Deadlifts @ 225/155


1) This will feel fairly easy as you should be able to perform multiple reps at this weight (83%) but keep the rest in there as you will be building in coming weeks

2) Hero WOD “Donny” is a repeat workout from April 11, 22. Focus is on moderate sets of deadlifts so that burpees can be slow and steady. Remember, slow is smooth and smooth is fast :)

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