Tue Feb 13 "Uneasy"


1a) 3 Rounds, building up in intensity:
9/7 Cal Echo Bike + 3 Jumping Air Squats (Or Broad Jumps)

1b) Hang Power Cleans: Build to a technical triple

2) 20 Minute AMRAP:

10 Burpees
10 Goblet Squats
30 Skips (or 1 Min DU practice)
1 Min Rest


1a) 3 Rounds, building up in intensity:
9/7 Cal Echo Bike + 3 Broad Jumps

1b) 4 x 3 Unbroken Power Cleans @ 78%

2) “Uneasy”

3 Rounds For Time (24 Min Cap):
30-20-10 Bar-Facing Burpees
30-20-10 Front Squats @ 135/95
90 Double-Unders


1a) Using this as a warm-up, build up in RPM across your 3 rounds of biking until the last set is a sprint. The broad jumps should be explosive and with sound landing mechanics

1b) Touch-and-go reps at 78% will be tough, try to hang on but do drop singles if needed

2) Steady pace on the burpees, front squats should be sets of 10+ (select a weight that allows this, less than 50% of your max front squat weight), each round has 90 double-unders (2 mins max) for a total of 270 DUs


3 Sets For Quality:
2 x 25’ HS Walk
50% of Max Ring Muscle-ups
50 Crossover Single Unders

Jason TrinhComment