Tue Feb. 4 "Stone Cold"


1) 10 x 3 Light Push Press

2) 7 Rounds: 2 Min On, 1 Min Rest
Alternate Between Bike and Row


1) Push Press: 10 x 1 @ 85-90%

2) Stone Cold

For Time (21 Min. Time Cap)
80/60 Cal Bike
2000/1800m Row
Performed As:
2 Minutes On
1 Minute Off


1) You will be performing each single rep at roughly 85-90% of your 1RM Push press. This is a heavy single, so structure rest in between. The goal is to use the same weight across all 10 sets.

2) This is just a cardio piece to finish off your tuesday. Take it as intense or as relaxed as you like, keeping in mind that you will have 7 rounds to get through as much as you can of the bike and the row.

Extra Credit

Handstand Push Ups:
2 Drop Sets Till Failure
A) Max Deficit Handstand Push Ups (6”/4”)
B) Max Deficit HSPU (4”/2”)
C) Max Deficit HSPU (2”/1”)
No Rest Between A-B-C
Rest 5 minutes between drop sets

Jason TrinhComment