Tue Mar 19 "The Delorean"
1) Back Squats: Build to technical set of 5
2) 4 Minute AMRAP, 4 Minute Rest, 5 Rounds:
15 Knee-Raises or Abmat Sit-ups
24/20 Calorie Row
60 Single Skips (or 1 Min DU Practice)
Max Calorie Row
1) Back Squats: 5-5-Max Reps-1
@ 75-75-75-85%
2) “The Delorean”
4 Minute AMRAP, 4 Minute Rest, 5 Rounds:
15 Toes-To-Bar
30/24 Calorie Row
60 Double-Unders
Max Calorie Row
1) Do 2 sets of 5 reps @ 75% then as many reps at 75% as possible before failure (10+), followed by 1 rep @ 85%
2) Goal is to do TTB unbroken, row under 2 mins, less than 1 minute of skipping, 30s or more of max reps calories on rower
Every 3 Mins x 4 Rounds:
50’ HS Walk (or 1 Min practice)
20 Alternating Pistols
5 Wall-Facing HSPU