Tue Mar 5 "Strict Little Devil"


1) Banded Temp Chest-to-bar Pull-ups: Sets of 3

2) 30 Minute AMRAP:

10/8 Cal Echo Bike
8 Ring Rows (Or Jumping Pull-ups)
6 Single Arm Devil’s Press (3/side)


1) Strict Weighted Pull-ups: build to heavy 3

2) “Strict Little Devil”

5 Rounds For Time (30 Min Cap):
40/32 Cal Echo Bike
8 Strict Pull-ups
12 Single Arm Devil’s Press @ 50/35


1) Start with unweighted pull-ups or banded pull-ups and progressively build to a difficult set of 3 for the day. Focus is on shoulder positions and maintaining range-of-motion across all sets

2) “Sprint” bikes if possible and chip away at pull-ups and devil’s presses. Each round should be completed in 6 minutes or less, with strict pull-ups being done in 2-3 sets max and devil’s presses at a slow and steady pace


For Time:
10 Shuttle Runs @ 25’
10 Bar MU (or 2 Min Practice)
10 Shuttle Runs
10 Strict HSPU (or 2 Min Practice)
10 Shuttle Runs
10 RMU (or 2 Min Practice)

Jason TrinhComment