Tue Nov. 12 "Landlocked"


1) Push Press 3 x 5 @ technical load

2) 15 Min. AMRAP
200m Row
10 Burpees Over Rower
30 Sec. Rest


1) Push Jerk 3 x 5 @ 78% (same weight)

2) Landlocked

For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
500/450m Row
30 Burpees Over Rower
1000/900m Row
30 Burpees Over Rower
500/450m Row


1) Aim to build up to roughly 78%, then complete three sets of 5 at that weight. Complete at least 3 warm up sets of 5 building in weight until your starting weight. Focus on a quick pop out of the bottom of the bottom and squeeze the butt before the bar pops off the shoulders.

2) This is a steady moving workout alternating between rowing and burpees over the bar. The aim is to take roughly 2:30 per 500m row and 2:30 for each set of burpees. Move slow but steady throughout on each movement.

Extra Credit

3 x 10 Seated Dumbbell Arnold Press
100 Banded Pull Aparts

Jason TrinhComment