Tue Nov 21 "Poker Face"


1) Banded Strict Pull-ups: Complete 5 x 3 of Full Range of Motion Pull-ups, reducing banding as needed

2) 5 Min AMRAP, 5 Min Rest, 3 Rounds:

Buy-in: 2 Min Echo Bike
3 Min AMRAP:
6 Dumbbell Front Squats
6 Burpees


1) Strict Weighted Pull-ups:
Build to heavy triple

1b) 5 x 3 @ 85% of heaviest set

2) “Poker Face”

5 Min AMRAP, 5 Min Rest, 3 Rounds:

Buy-in: 24/20 Cal Echo Bike
Max Rounds in Time Remaining:
*Front Squats
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20

*R1: 12 Front Squats @ 115/85
R2: 9 Front Squats @ 135/95
R3: 6 Front Squats @ 155/105


1) Start with “easy” strict pull-ups or ring rows and slowly progress by using bands or weights until you have built to a heavy set of 3 for the day. MUST maintain full ROM on all three reps; start with arms straight, no kip, finish with neck contacting pull-up bar at the top

2) In a five minute window, the bike will take ~2 mins and with the remaining time, complete as many rounds as possible of squats (at decreasing reps and increasing weights) and burpee BJO. Your final weight should be something you can do unbroken but may want to break up for strategy sake

Jason TrinhComment