Tue Nov. 26 "Boop"


1) Push Press: 3 x 2

2) AMRAP 18
8 Knee Raises
8 Push Press
8 Cal Bike


1) Push Jerks: 3 x 2 @ 86%

2) Boop

18 Toes to Bar
9 Push Press (165/115)
Every 2:00: 200m Run OR 12/10 Cal Bike


1) The goal today is the remain at 86% of your 1RM push jerk for three sets of two. This will be tricky to hang onto, but focus on getting quick under the bar after your extension.

2) Aim to complete as many rounds as possible of roes to bar and push press, but break every two minutes to complete a 200m run or 12/10 cal bike. Aim to complete 3 rounds or more of the AMRAP, always picking up where you left off of after each run. The run/bike should take 1:00 or less. The barbell should be moderately heavy, possibly breaking up the sets.

Extra Credit

3 x 10 Lateral Raises
3 x 10 Reverse Flys

Jason TrinhComment