Tue Nov 28 "Flash Flood"
1) Strict Press: Build to technical set of 5
2) Front Squats: Build to technical set of 5
3) 10 Min AMRAP:
12/10 Cal Bike
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
1) Strict Press: 5-5-10-10-Max Reps
@ 55-63-68-68-68%
2) Front Squats: 3 x 5 @ 78%+ (building)
3) “Flash Flood”
2 Rounds (10 Min Cap):
400m Run (or 24/20 Cal Bike)
21 Thrusters @ 95/65
1) On your last set of strict presses, do as many reps as you can to failure
2) Build to 78% and then do 3 sets at and above this weight
3) This is fast - if it’s dry outside you can run, otherwise work hard on the bike and aim to do thrusters in 1-3 sets