Tue Nov. 5 "Six Flags"
1) 6 Rounds x AMRAP 4
6 Pull Ups or 4 Jumping BMU
300m Row
Max Cals on Bike
*Rest 1 Minute B/n Rounds
1) Six Flags
6 Rounds x AMRAP 4
6 Bar Muscle Ups
500/450m Row
Max Cals on Bike
*Rest 1 Min. b/n Rounds
1) There are 6 smaller 4 minute AMRAPs you must get through, with only one minute rest between. The goal is to maintain the same amount of cals on the bike each AMRAP. Choose a challenging bar movement, such as a jumping BMU, Chest to Bars, or pull ups. The goal is to have roughly 1 minute on the bike for max cals each round. Take time at the beginning to practice your pulling movement and effectively warm up the shoulders.
Extra Credit
Squat Snatch: On the Minute x 7
1 Squat Snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch
Barbell @ 75% of 1 RM Snacth