Tue Sept. 3 "Kelly"


1) 40 Min. AMRAP
200m Run or 500m Bike
15 Step Ups
15 Wall Balls
1 Minute Rest


1) Kelly

5 Rounds For Time (40 Min. Time Cap)
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)


1) This is a benchmark workout repeated from 9/19/2023. Pacing is huge here in order to keep moving on all the movements. Run will take roughly 2:15. Box jumps must be stood all the way with lockout of the legs, competed in roughly 1:30. Wallballs cam be broken up into 2-3 sets, taking also 1:30 or less. Each round must take less than 8 minutes to complete under the time cap. Run can be subbed for 500/450m Row or 25/20 Cal Bike.

Extra Credit

On the 2:00 x 6 (Building starting at 70%)
Power Cleans: 3-2-1-3-2-1

Jason TrinhComment