Wed Aug. 28 "Backhanded"


2) AMRAP 12
20 Single Skips
10 Alternating Forward Suitcase Lunges
20 Single Skips
5 Devils Press
30 Sec. Rest


1) Every 2:00 x 6: 3 Sumo Deadlifts

2) Backhanded

3 Rounds:
50 Double Unders
100’ Double Dumbbell Walking Lunges (50/35)
Directly Into …
Max Rounds:
30 Double Unders
2-4-6-8… Devils Press (50/35)


1) Since we are doing sumo deadlifts, stance will be much wider than our conventional deadlift. Keep the head and torso upright, with hips starting just slightly above parallel. The initial pull should start with the shoulders over the bar, not in front of the bar like a conventional deadlift.

2) The first 3 rounds will take about half the AMRAP time. Control your pace so you can push in the max rounds. Choose a weight so that the lunges can be done unbroken. Start to break up the devils press rounds after Round 6 if you get there.

Extra Credit
3 x 10 Pausing Single Leg Hip Thrust (each leg)
3 x 30 Banded Hip Thrust Abductions
*Rest 1 Min. B/n All Sets

Jason TrinhComment