CrossFit CL (150)

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Wed Feb 5 "Blue Pants Wednesday"

Today we get to remember past member Kristene Johnson by following a tradition that she and Shauna W. unwittingly started before her passing. On Wednesdays she wore blue pants and to this day many members carry that tradition on. Kristene’s mental health struggles came to an end on February 7th of 2023 and since then, every time I wear blue pants I remember the kind and caring person that she was and reflect on how much she has influenced my life since I first met her. Please feel free to join us in remembering her by wearing blue pants and take a moment to reflect on who and what you’re grateful for today.

Workout of the day

“Blue Pants Wednesday”

1) Bench Press: Build to heavy double

2) 7 Minute AMRAP:
23 Abmat Sit-ups
22 Double-Unders

2 Minute Rest

13 Minute Ascending AMRAP:
Double Dumbbell Power Clean
Double Dumbbell Front Squats
Double Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunges

Directly into…
4 Minute AMRAP Burpees


1) Build to a heavy double by doing 10-8-6-4-2-2-2…

2) Keep moving in each AMRAP, selecting single skips and lighter dumbbells as needed (max 50/35lbs). During your 4 minute burpee AMRAP, try not to take any breaks and push through to the end, because you are capable of being very uncomfortable for a very long time.