CrossFit CL (150)

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Wed Feb. 12 "Quadruplet"


Strict Press: 6-6-6-3-3-3 @ technical load

2) 4 Rounds x AMRAP 4
10 Cal Row
8 Box Step Overs
6 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds
Pick Up Where You Left OFF


1) Strict Press
Set 1: 1 @ 80%
Set 2: 6 @ 70%
Set 3: 1 @ 85%
Set 4: 6 @ 75%
Set 5: 1 @ 90%
Set 6: 6 @ 80%

2) Quadruplet

4 Rounds x AMRAP 4:
27/21 Cal Row
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
12 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (70/50)
Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds
Pick Up Where You Left Off


1) Each set of strict press should be unbroken, so always drop weight for the set of 6. Bar must be locked out over your centre line and avoid pushing load that causes form to get super questionable.

2) You will be completing four rounds of four minutes of work followed by 4 minutes of rest. In the work portion, you are getting through a row, box jumps over that do not need to be stood up at the top, and 12 heavy hang squat clean. The single DB for the hang squat cleans should be heavy. You will alternate each rep, switching arms for all 12 reps. Choose a weight that you can complete this movement in 2 sets. After each rest, pick up where you left off of on your last round.

Extra Credit

100 Back Rack Plat Step Ups (8”) Bodyweight
100 Sandbag Hold March Steps (150/100)
100 Double Dumbbell SHrugs (70/50)
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