Tue Feb. 11 "Mount St. Helens"


1) Banded Pull Ups: 4 x 4

2) AMRAP 18
6 Pull Ups/10 Ring Rows
12 Kettlebell Swings
14 Cal Bike
Rest 1 Minute


1) Strict Weighted Pull Ups: 4 x 2 (building)

2) Mount St. Helens

3 Rounds For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
12 Bar Muscle Ups
21 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
25/20 Cal Bike


1) The goal here is to make the pull ups sets become more difficult each set. This may mean debanding or adding weight. Regardless of where you are at, focus on leaning back and engaging the lats, forcing a back dominant pull vs. a bicep pull.

2) The gymnastic movement you choose for the BMU should take roughly 1:30. Kettlebell swings should be taken all the way overhead. Choose a weight that allows you to complete the set of 21 unbroken if you were fresh. The bike will take roughly 2:00. You must complete a round every 6:00 to finish under the time cap.

Extra Credit

3 Supersets:
10 Barbell Bent Over Rows
10 Wall Double Dumbbell Curls
Rest 2 Minutes

Jason TrinhComment