Mon Feb. 10 "Stud Finder"


1) 4 Sets
2 Back Squats @ Technical Load
3 Jump Squats (bodyweight)

2) AMRAP 15

5 DB Front Squats
30’ Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry
5 DB Push Press
30’ Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry
Rest 1 Minute


1) 4 Sets:
2 Back Squats (Building)
3 Dumbbell Squat Jumps (Light)

2) Stud Finder

5 Rounds (18 Min. Time Cap)
9 Front Squats (135/95)
30’ Handstand Walk
9 Push Press
30’ Handstand Walk


1) We have another coupling of a strength/heavy piece paired immediately with an explosive light movement. Build in squat weight, aiming for your fourth set to be around 85% of your 1RM Back Squat. DB squat jumps should be done with a light dumbbell in the front rack.

2) This workout involves some barbell work with handstand walking practice. Each round should take take roughly 3:00. Aim to keep barbell movements to 1-2 sets per round. The shoulders will get fatigued for the HSW from the push press so be prepared for it in the second HSW. Substitute the HSW with 10 Shoulder taps against the wall or a 3 wall walks per 30’ HSW section.

Extra Credit

Row Intervals: 250/200 Cal Row
Performed as …
1 Minute Work, 30 Second Rest

Jason TrinhComment