Wed July 24 "Storm Clouds"


2) 15 Min. Time Cap
4 Rounds
7 Deadlifts
5 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
200m Run


1) Tempo Deadlifts: On the 3:00 x 3 Sets (building)
3 Deadlifts (5 Second Negative)

2) Storm Clouds

For Time (15 Min. Time Cap)
30 Deadlifts (205/145)
600m Run
20 Power Cleans
400m Run
10 Front Squats
200m Run


1) You will aim to build to a heavy set of 3 tempo deadlifts with a full 5 second negative. This will be completed as touch and go reps, with rest at the hips if needed. Don’t cheat yourself by rushing the negative.

2) This workout is meant to be done quite quickly, and the reps will get harder as the workout goes on. The weight for the deadlift is quite light so these should move fairly fast in 1-3 sets. Power cleans can be done as quick drop singles. The front squats will be the most challenging at this weight and should be completed in roughly 2 sets. Run can be subbed for 750/675-500/450-250-225m Row OR 36/30-25/20-12/10 Cal Bike.

Extra Credit

3 Sets: Max Wall Sit Hold
*Rest 1 Minute b/n Sets

Jason TrinhComment