Wed June 5 "Running on Empty"


1) Build to a set of 3 Power Cleans at a technical load

2) 18 Minute AMRAP
5 Power Cleans
5 Ring Rows
5 Knee Raises
20 Single Skips


1) Max reps of Power Clean at 90%

2) Running on Empty

8 Rounds For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
5 Power Cleans (185/125)
1 Legless Rope Climb (15ft)
30 Double Unders


1) Touch and Go reps to technical failure. Aim for 3+ reps, focusing on fast elbows under the bar.

2) Each round will need to be completed in 2:15 or less to finish under the time cap. Fast drop singles for the power cleans will be most efficient. Double Unders should take roughly 30 seconds. The shoulders will be fatigued going into the rope climb so scale height or difficultly accordingly.

Extra Credit
EMOM 8 Min.
Minute 1: 20 Banded Russian KB Swings
Minute 2: 20 KB Goblet Step Back Lunges

Jason TrinhComment