Wed May 1 "Pick-Me-Up"


1) Deficit Deadlifts (stand on 25lb Plate):
5-4-3-2 @ 70-73-75-77%
THEN: Max Reps @ 80%, no deficit

2) “Pick-Me-Up”

Buy-in: 1500/1350m Row

45 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20
30 Deadlifts @ 275/185

*Partition BBJO & DL however


1) If your flexibility allows, stand on a plate to make the deadlift ROM more challenging. Otherwise, you can pull from the floor or elevate the weights. Work within a range that is challenging but not risky

2) Start with a row (roughly 6 mins) and then complete the BBJO and deadlifts in whatever sets and reps you choose. Example could be 9 BBJO and 6 deadlifts for 5 rounds, or 15 BBJO with 10 DLs for 3 rounds

Extra Credit

5 Sets: Max Plank Hold on rings
Rest 30s between sets

Jason TrinhComment