Wed May 3 "Podiatry"


1) Bench Press: Build to a heavy technical 5

2) Every 1.5 Minutes x 10 Rounds:

30s Knee-Raises or Abmat Sit-ups
30s Skipping Practice
30s Rowing

Workout of the day

1) Bench Press: Build to a heavy set of 5

2) “Podiatry”

Every 1.5 Minutes x 10 Rounds:

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Toes-To-Bar
30 Double-Unders
Max Calories On Rower


1) Build in sets of 5 to a heavy set for the day. Focus primarily on shoulder and elbow position and take small increases in weight

2) Try to maintain unbroken sets on the first two movements and an uncomfortable but not maximal pace on the rower. Goal is maximum calories across ten rounds, pace accordingly

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