Wed Sep 20 "Boat Grace"
1) Push Presses: Build to a technical set of 5
2) 15 Minute AMRAP:
500/400m Row
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Push Presses
1) 2 Push Jerks @ 85-90%
Every 2 Mins x 5 Rounds
2) “Boat Grace”
For Time (15 Minute Cap):
1000/900m Row
10 Clean & Jerks @ 135/95
750/675m Row
10 Clean & Jerks
500/450m Row
10 Clean & Jerks
1) Build to 85-90% of your 1RM (should still have 1-2 reps in reserve) and then do 5 sets of 2 reps
2) Clean and jerks should be a weight you can do 10 touch-and-go reps unbroken when fresh but as a strategy do them in singles or small sets. Rows should be steady to start and increasing in intensity as you get farther in