Fri May 3 "Lights Out"


1) Front Squats: Build to technical set of 5

2) Alternating EMOM x 15:

30s Alternating DB Power Snatches
30s DB Thrusters


1) Front Squats: Max Reps @ 80%

2) “Lights Out”

For Time (15 Min Cap):
75 Power Snatches @ 75/55

Every 2 Mins (start at 0:00):
15 Thrusters @ 75/55


1) Build to 80% in sets of 5 and then do as many reps as possible (to technical failure)

2) Select a weight that allows you to do sets of 10+ reps of touch-and-go power snatches, and then do 15 thrusters as a buy-in every 2 minutes (including at the start 0:00). Thrusters should be done in 1-2 sets using the same weight as the power snatches

Jason TrinhComment