Tue Apr 30 "Biking Barbara"


10 Rounds:

10 Pull-ups (Or Ring Rows)
15 Push-ups (can be elevated or banded)
15 Sit-ups
10/8 Cal Echo Bike
1 Min Rest


“Biking Barbara”

5 Rounds For Time (40 Min Cap):

20 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
30 GHD Sit-ups
20/16 Cal Echo Bike
3 Min Rest Between Rounds


Most likely this workout will be an AMRAP as there is a lot of work to complete in the time allotted. In order to complete this workout, you would have to do each round in under 6 minutes, plus the rest. That’s roughly 1.5 minutes per movement, meaning you would not have much room to break up the movements. Options are to reduce the volume or to treat it as a 40 minute AMRAP

Extra Credit

2 Back Squats @ 70%
Every 2 Mins x 10 Rounds

Jason TrinhComment