NEW Gymnastics, Mobility & Weightlifting Programming

If you did not know, we have speciality Gymnastics, Mobility and Weightlifting Classes on Saturdays?! Each 4-6 weeks we choose a focus for these classes and progress on them each week. If you want to improve your gymnastics skills, mobility, and/or weighlifting skills come join us! These classes are open and free to all members and $20/day drop in applies to non-members.

SCHEDULE & FOCUS: Saturdays, starting Dec 3

9:00-9:30am - Gymnastics (Rope Climbs and Handstand Progressions)

9:30-10:00am - Mobility (Upper body focus)

10:00-10:30am - Weightlifting (Jerks)

Sign up for these classes on our regular class schedule

Valarie PerryComment