CrossFit CL (150)

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WOD Mon Sept 12


Back Squats

6 x 5 building to 80%

THEN: 12 reps @ 60%

 - quality reps with focus on hip movement, upright torso, and balance


9 Bar Mus/18 C2B pull-ups/18 pull-ups
9 Snatches @ 95/135
7 Bar Mus/14 C2B pull-ups/14pull-ups
7 Snatches @ 95/135
5 Bar Mus/10 C2B pull-ups/10 pull-ups
5 Snatches @ 95/135

 - this is meant to be a quick workout, close to unbroken. Scale workload and movements accordingly. Aim for 6-10 minutes.