WOD Wed Apr 25
Strict Handstand Push-ups
Alternating On the Minute x 12 (6 Rounds):
Odd Minutes – 50 Double-Unders
Even Minutes – Max Strict Handstand Push-ups
Repeat from last week. Aim to improve.
“Full Circle”
For Time:
1500/1200 Meter Row
35 Burpees to a 45/25lb plate
35/28 Calorie Bike
35 Burpees to a 45/25lb plate
1500/1200 Meter Row
Clean and Jerk Ladder
For Time:
10 Reps (185/125)
8 Reps (205/135)
6 Reps (225/145)
4 Reps (245/155)
2 Reps (265/165)
Athlete’s choice on power/squat clean and as well as push/split jerk.