WOD Tue Aug 28


Partner Rowling

1000 meters for time split between two partners. 5 rounds each on the rower, looking to land exactly on 100 meter intervals until the screen says 1000 meters. There will be a penalty for the partner who gets off the rower for every meter they are under or over the 100 meter interval. For example, if they land at 97 or 103, penalty is 3 burpees. Partner getting on the rower must wait until their partner completing the penalty is finished before they begin rowing. They can sit ready on the erg as they wait. We will cap this game at 7 minutes.


“2k Row”

For Time: 
Row 2,000 Meters

Once through, for time.


Strict Handstand Push-ups
19 Repetitions
Rest 1 Minute
16 Repetitions
Rest 1 Minute
13 Repetitions
Rest 1 Minute
10 Repetitions

Clean Complex
5 Sets (On the 2:00):
3 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk
Building in Weight


Jason TrinhComment