Anniversary WOD Thu Sep 6

On the anniversary of StrongFit's first day of classes we do "The Last Garage WOD" that was done by a very small group in a very small garage, weeks before the gym opened. My family and I thank you for all of your support these past two years and we look forward to what the future brings (especially all of the burpees!). Enjoy this little gem!


"The Last Garage WOD"

100 Pull-ups/Ring Rows
100 Front Rack Lunges @ 95/135
100 Deadlifts @ 155/225
100 HSPU/Push-ups
100 TTB/Knee-raises

40 Min Cap

*Option to do 15-20 reps per movement x 5 Rounds


Clean and Jerk Complex
On the 2:00 x 7:
Hang Power Clean
Hang Squat Clean
Push Jerk
Split Jerk

Jason TrinhComment