WOD Mon Oct 19

Gymnastics Conditioning

7 Min AMRAP:
1 Pausing Strict Handstand Push-up / Hand-release Push-up
1 Strict Handstand Push-up / Push-up
1 Kipping Handstand Push-up / Knee Push-up
10 Alternating Pistols / Step-ups
2 Pausing Strict Handstand Push-up / Hand-release Push-up
2 Strict Handstand Push-up / Push-up
2 Kipping Handstand Push-up / Knee Push-up
10 Alternating Pistols / Step-ups

Continue increasing push-ups by 1 rep each round, pistols/step-ups remain at 10 reps


EMOM x 10:
1 Squat Clean Thruster (Cluster)
*bar is taken from ground if the clean is not a limiter, start at light loads and build across 10 minutes


“Down To Earth”

7 Rounds:
200m Run / 250m Row / 600m Echo Bike
7 Thrusters @ 115/85
7 Bar-Facing Burpees


Pausing Front Squat Complex
5 Sets of 1 Pausing Front Squat + 1 Front Squat @ 60-63-66-69-72

Pausing Push Press Complex
5 Sets of 1 Pausing Push Press + 1 Push Press @ 50-55-60-65-70

Jason TrinhComment