WOD Wed Feb 19
7am Row Conditioning
12 x 250m Row Intervals, on the 3 min
“Long Haul”
2 Rounds For Time:
20 Push Presses @ 115/85
30 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups
40 Burpees
50/35 Calorie Row
Dumbbell: 50/35
Box: 24"/20"
On the Minute x 7:
Minute 1: 115/85
Minute 2: 135/95
Minute 3: 155/105
Minute 4: 155/105
Minute 5: 155/105
Minute 6: 135/95
Minute 7: 115/85
Within each minute, you’ll complete one single unbroken set at the listed weight
Once the bar hits the ground, you’ll rest until the next minute begins
Ask Coach for remaining rules