WOD Sat Mar 21


“Red Wine & Steaks”

1000 Burpees For Time

-share them with a friend or family member, or do them all on your own. Will someone finish in under 90 minutes??

Today we are revisiting a large number of burpees, to be followed by consuming steaks and wine (or whatever your favorites may be) to commemorate Anton Schouten’s 61st birthday which would be on Sunday, March 22nd. We start with the burpees to show that we are tougher than we realized (11 members having completed 1000 or more this past summer) and then we live a little with our favorite meal.

We find the things we look for, so by looking for things to be grateful for during these whacky times we will find them. Enjoy your health and whatever happiness you have in your life.

Jason TrinhComment