WOD Sat Jul 18



800m Run

Front Squats @ 95/65
Chest to Bar Pull-ups

800m Run

Thrusters @ 95/65

800m Run

Time cap: 30 Minutes


800m Run = 1000m Row = 1200m Echo Bike = 1000m Erg Bike (scale distances to ~ 4 mins each)

Chest-to-bar Pull-ups should be a more difficult variation of pull-ups than you are used to, with Pull-ups being something you do on a regular basis. For example, you could start with Ring Rows and end with Jumping Pull-ups.

Front Squats and Thrusters can be done using dumbbells at light loads versus using a barbell.

Reps can be modified to 12-9-6 or 9-6-3.

Jason TrinhComment