Update to September Schedule Changes
Early Morning Changes
After receiving feedback from members we are no longer modifying the early morning schedule for September, classes will remain as follows for Monday - Friday.
6:00am CrossFit
7:00am CrossFit
8:00am CrossFit
9:30am CrossFit
We will continue to add the 11:00am and 6:00pm CompTrain classes for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, and there will be a 7:00pm CrossFit class on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
The schedule has been reset to reflect these changes and so anyone that was signed in previously would have to do it again :)
What will the CompTrain classes look like? Who are they for?
CompTrain classes are focused on developing skills that we are not able to spend time on in CrossFit classes, movements such as:
handstand push-ups
kipping pull-ups
chest-to-bar pull-ups
bar muscle-ups
ring muscle-ups
handstand walking
clean & jerks
Each day will have a different focus:
Mondays are snatch days
Tuesdays focus on gymnastics and endurance
Wednesdays are for accessory work and midline
Fridays focus on clean and jerks
These classes are for all members that would like to improve on these movements. Much like Beginner Weightlifting, members will be challenged with appropriate weights and skill progressions. The only pre-requisite is that members have been coming to CrossFit long enough to know how to squat, press, and deadlift (on weightlifting days), and have been coming to classes a minimum of 3x a week for gymnastics days. If you would like more information or would like to know if this is something you can do, please send me a message and I can provide you with more information.