WOD Thu Jan 13



Sharing reps with a partner, one person working at a time (done at separate stations):

20 Minute AMRAP:
16 Toes-To-Bar
9 DB Thrusters
1 Single Arm Devil’s Press (per side)

Krista Hamstra passed away on January 9th of 2016. She was a beloved member of our CrossFit community and each year we dedicate a workout to her. She loved partner workouts and frequently wore colorful workout socks which she collected at various CrossFit gyms during her travels.

Enjoy this WOD with a friend and if you’ve got colorful socks, wear them :)


Keep one partner always moving by breaking up into manageable sets:
4-4-4-4 TTB
5-4 Thrusters
1 Partner does both single arm Devil’s Press, second partner do them next round

Jason TrinhComment