WOD Mon Jan 17


  1. Max Set of Ring Muscle-ups / Bar Muscle-ups / CTB / PLU / Strict PLU
    (5 Minutes)

  2. 45 Hang Power Snatches @ 95/65
    90 Wallballs @ 20/14
    (10 Minutes)

  3. “Mary’s Meters”
    20 Minute AMRAP:
    5 Handstand Push-ups / Dips / Push-ups
    10 Alternating Pistols / Alternating Lateral Box Step-Downs / Lunges
    15 Pull-ups / Jumping Pull-ups

    *At 0:00 and Every 5 Minutes: 500m Row


  1. Choose a skill/strength to develop and aim for 10+ reps. If you are levelling up a movement, you can do an EMOM (ie 1-2 Unbroken BMU per minute x 5 minutes)

  2. Choose weights to complete in under 5 sets for each movement

  3. Mostly a pull-up workout, over-scale here to complete one round of “Mary” in under 2 minutes. After each row, carry on where you left off.

Jason TrinhComment