WOD Wed Jan 26
1) Deadlifts
5-3-2-1-1-Max Reps @ 50-60-70-75-80-85%
(15 Minutes)
2) Unbroken Power Cleans
2 x 7 - 2 x 5 - 2 x 3
(15 Minutes)
3) Every 2.5 Minutes x 4 Rounds:
20 Double Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges @ 50/35
AMRAP Bar Muscle-ups / Pull-ups in time remaining
1) Aiming for 5+ reps at 85%
2) Perform 2 sets of 7 reps, 2 sets of 5, then 2 sets of 3. Build across all sets, rest as needed.
3) In a 2.5 minute window, complete the lunges and then as many BMU/Pull-ups in the time remaining. You can break up the gymnastics component into as many sets as needed to get as many overall reps as possible for the 4 rounds.