Fri Jul 7 "Liquid Smoke"


1) Hang Power Snatches- build to a technical set of 3

2) 12 Minute AMRAP:
9 Box Jumps (Over Step-ups)
6 Jumping Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (Or Ring Rows)
3/side Dumbbell Power Snatches

Workout of the day

1) Power Snatch - build to heavy set of 5

2) “Liquid Smoke”

12 Minute AMRAP:
9 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20 (Or Step-Overs)
6 Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (Or Jumping CTB)
3 Power Snatches @ 135/95 (Or 6 Alt. DB Snatch)


1) Build to a heavy or technical set of touch-and-go snatches (or cleans) for the day

2) Not a lot of time to get work done, select movements that can be done in 1-2 sets max, aiming for a round every 2-2.5 mins

Jason TrinhComment