Fri Dec. 27 "OutKast"


1) Front Squats: 3 x 2 @ technical load

2) 18 Min. Time Cap
18-15-12-9-6-3 Cal Row
6 Hang Power Cleans
Rest 30 Sec.


1) Front Squat: 3 x 2 @ 86%

2) OutKast

For Time (18 Min. Time Cap)
30-24-18-12-6 Calorie Row Men
OR 25-20-15-10-5 Calorie Row Women
15-12-9-6-3 Hang Squat Clean (155/105)


1) For each of the three sets of two front squats, you will stay at the same weight. These doubles are meant to be done at a heavy weight. Make sure to clear space around you in case you get stuck and need to dump.

2) This workout will challenge the lower body greatly. Each row will take roughly 2:00 or less. The hang squat cleans should be a moderate weight that you can cycle for large sets, taking no longer than 1:30. Aim to go unbroken for the last sets of hang squat cleans. Go at a pace on the rower that allows you to pick up the barbell quickly.

Extra Credit

6 Sets Unbroken
15m DB Farmer Carry (100/70)
3 DB Deadlifts
15m DB Farmer Carry
*Rest 30 sec. between sets

Jason TrinhComment