Sat Dec. 28 "Marco Polo"
1) Tricep Dips 5 x 4
2) 20 Min. AMRAP
8 Cal Bike
6 Push Ups
4 Jumping Bar Muscle Ups OR 4 Pull Ups
Rest 1 Minute
1) Strict Dips: 5 x 4
2) Marco Polo
3 Rounds:
21/15 Cal Bike
9 Bar Muscle Ups
9 Strict HSPU
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Rounds:
21/15 Cal Bike
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Time Cap: 25 Minutes
1) Perform 5 sets of 4 strict dips on boxes, bars, or rings. Use bands at the start if needed to maintain all five sets.
2) You will complete 3 rounds of work first, rest 5:00, then complete another 3 rounds before you are done. The second section of rounds has slightly easier movements, so scale movements accordingly. Whatever movements you choose, they should be completed in 3 sets roughly.
Extra Credit
6 Sets:
15m DB Farmer Carry (100/70)
3 DB Deadlifts
15m Farmer Carry
Rest 30 Seconds B/n Sets